Howdy everyone!
This weeks episode is taking a closer look at the sneaker world from another point of view. Every pair of kicks has their own personality, take care of them and they will do their best to keep your feet happy.
Here we find some of the OTD guys and a mutual friend meeting up to get a bite to eat. What happens when their new kicks meet up for the first time?

I'm sure we all know someone who's ventured into the realm of the 'other side'. We're not judging, 'to each their own' we always say.
* * * *As a
bonus, we'll be giving one free print of any OTD comic strip to the first
3 people to name all four shoes in the strip!
Send your answers to along with your name and mailing address. We'll post the winners to this blog and the
Facebook fanpage when we get them. Good luck!